Thursday, February 17, 2005


Ms Bishop, Australian Liberal Party backbencher - "I have a big problem with Mr Habib... I have a problem with someone who seeks the protection of liberal democratic principles and yet joins an organisation, to train with an organisation, that wants to overthrow those very principles."

Emigre, Australian libertarian mini-blogger - "I have a big problem with Ms Bishop... I have a problem with anyone who seeks the protection of democratic principles and yet joins a party, to train with a party, that wants to overthrow those very principles."

I still can't get over the name of that party she belongs too - Howards a member of it too. Biggest right-wing party in Australia and it's called "Liberal". Closely followed by "Labour" - second biggest right-wing party in Australia. Oh I guess there's National. Goodness knows why they call themselves "National" though. "National" is one of the smallest right-wing parties in Australia.

The Greens are about the only left-wing party left. The other lot aren't counting on getting elected - relying on some "200 year plan". For real. We'll all be blown-up by then.

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