Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Iemma left carrying an empty can

Rats from a sinking ship, now Refshauge has resigned. Bummer. He really is a good politician. I hope he goes federal, the only decent ministers Labour ever had were all state MP's anyway.

"I've decided that the time is right to move on to other things"
~ Dr Refshauge. the rest about it

It is time. And the time is right. It is the right time for state MP's to shake up Canberra, in unexpected ways.

Predicting we have not heard the last of Refshauge yet.

Maybe he could join the Greens now?

UPDATE; Knowles quits. Michael Costa given finance portfolio (groan) oh well, at least he wasn't put in charge of treasury, the man is a walking cylcone, leaves a trail of destruction behind every portfolio he touches. Fine if a premier wants to shake things around briefly and then appoint someone sensible to fix it all up, but not the kind of man you want meddling with budgets.

Not wanting to write this off as "what did I say". But. Costa, trail of destruction.

The NSW budget could be in deficit for the next two years, the state's new finance minister, Michael Costa, has admitted on his first day in the job... predicting a deficit this financial year even though the 2005-06 state budget in May forecast a $303 million surplus...

Mr Costa said the low level of state debt ensured that "if we run a small deficit this year and even the next year it is not going to put us in a negative position"...

he indicated there would be more asset sales and further public-private partnerships Costa in the red already

Could make tacky game of name, but no need.

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