Sunday, April 17, 2005


REM, a good choice for dishwashing and cleaning bathroom's too.

Rem - Pop Song 89

Hello, I saw you, I know you, I knew you
I think I can remember your
Hello I'm sorry, I lost myself
I think I thought you were someone else

Should we talk about the weather?
(hi...hi, hi)
Should we talk about the government?
(hi...hi, hi, hi)

Hello, how are you?
I know you, I knew you
I think I can remember your
Hello, I'm sorry I lost myself
I think I thought you were someone else

Should we talk about the weather?
(hi...hi, hi)
Should we talk about the government?
(hi...hi, hi, hi)

Hello my friend, are you visible today?
You know I never knew that it could be so strange...strange
Hello, I'm sorry, I lost myself
I think I thought you were someone else

Should we talk about the weather?
(hi...hi, hi)
Should we talk about the government?
(hi...hi, hi, hi)

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

A thought experiment

Imagining for a moment a community in which every individual is convinced their own browser window is showing the correct view, and everything else is incorrect. A blogger would be able to picture this fairly easily. As might anyone who works in an office environment.

Based on this spectre and taking the statement "each browser window is correct and all others are incorrect" and assuming there is more then one browser window, the resultant community is either all correct - or, all incorrect. If each individual browser window is correct then they all must be. (Everyone is certain theirs is) . And, if every other browser window is incorrect then they all must be.

This is the kind of statement that causes hard-drives to crash, and then everyone goes offline and the community breaks down.

The bug fix; loose the ego. Change the statement. "There are individual browsers. Each shows a view based on a string of characters typed into it's address bar and customised by the viewer."

Hence reality-based. Reality de-based is another thing entirely. Or maybe not.

In search of imagination

The screen must have a hypnotic effect on people. Because people, often seem to forget the original significance of “reality-based”. Suffice to say – everyone is convinced their own browser window is the correct one. Consequently life risks becoming bland and sucked dry of all philosophy. Not to mention humourless. Apparently.

More on that later.


There are few certainties in this world, and of those things that are sure the surest of all;

Live and let live.

Live and let live. How could a world following that premise ever go wrong? Not force to live, or kill to live, or die for another's life, just "live and let live".

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