Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Winning !!!

I Won !!! I Won !!! I Won !!! Woohoo !!! Wahey !!! Kaloo !!! Kalay !!! $60 bucks in the office sweep !!! Spent it all !!! Wa Haeyy !!! What an election !!! What a campaign !!! It was in the hands of the people !!! What a turn out !!! Yoo Hooo !!! Go Makybe !!! You gave it your all !!! We got the job done !!! Love democracy !!! Fantaastic'a !!!

Australians splurged a record $126 million on the TAB on the Cup, and perhaps as much again through office sweeps and internet betting. And while bookmakers cried poor after Makybe Diva was heavily backed into 5-2 favouritism.

Oh, wait. New info. That was not a ballot form?

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