Tuesday, January 04, 2005


Year Of Accountability

A few predictions for 2005.

2004 was a year of playfulness, in some respects. In spite of war and other disturbing political patterns, a gentle year for the blogger. Bloggers found solace in one another and lifted each others spirits (for the most part). Friendships waxed (and waned) bloggers drifted from site to site, grazing upon one anothers in-sights.

Foreseeing - a year of solidification ahead. A "maturing" if you like. Bloggers who withstood the trials and tribulations of 2004 will be all the more stronger in 2005. The sphere may appear to "shrink" a little, as it condenses. The world grow a little smaller.

Bloggers will seek truth and desire honesty in their dealings. Perhaps becoming firmer and more "no-nonsense". Perhaps combining the real with the imagined, online with offline endeavor.

Bloggers have always said and linked to what they want but perhaps bloggers will have gained courage from 2004 and in 2005 become braver, choosing to challenge their readers (if they have any) and even their own ideas. Some may paddle into controversial thought provoking waters where formerly they paddled on the beach. Others may form unexpected dalliances, taking up unexpected opportunities.

2005 will be a year of accountability for bloggers. A year when a blogger seeks honesty in her/his dealings with others and perhaps, even goes the extra step and looks deeply within. To examine his/her own shortcomings. The world is not perfect. It is not all endless hell and it is no heaven either. Nobody knows this better then the fearless blogger. The sooner a blogger can bring their eyes to rest upon the foul, the sooner they shall be able to remedy it.

Fearless bloggers will blog and blog it all. The good and the bad, fears and hopes, nightmares and their sweetest dreams. Unhalted by the blindfolded in the seeking of inner truths. Admitting mistakes and forgiving others for theirs. Delighting in fresh pages and allowing themselves to mourn the casualties. Sparing no emotion, no shred of logic, in their travels. Speaking freely as they seek peace. Fearing not what others think. Laughing a little at others, and at themselves.

How absorbing rhetoric is, when one gets going at it.

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